12 Personal Philosophical Observations About Human Nature
An ever-expanding collection of personal observations, laws, aphorisms, biases, effects and principles I coined or created myself.
Posts that feature negotiation concepts and techniques
An ever-expanding collection of personal observations, laws, aphorisms, biases, effects and principles I coined or created myself.
A collection of the 12 best job-related ideas and concepts on how to survive a toxic workplace. At least the ones I’ve come across so far.
A reflection on the Ideological Turing Test and the question how you can mimic your opponent’s arguments so they think you’re one of them.
A collection of bad questions we should know when to avoid or be able to identify when confronted. It all depends on what side we’re on.
A reflection on Spectrum Street Epistemology, a non-confrontational way to better understand why we believe the things we believe.
A reflection on five thinking models to help you navigate the world of problem-solving and decision-making. If you know their limitations.
A reflection on Red Team Analysis, a technique used to see the world through the eyes of your counterparts in order to outsmart them.
A collection of 50 interesting ideas and concepts on critical thinking, philosophy & decision-making from my 3 Ideas in 2 Minutes newsletter.
A reflection on Loki’s Wager, a fallacy that reminds us of the importance of nutting out the details before shaking hands with the devil.
A reflection on ten of the most enlightening quotes and lessons from Robert Greene’s infamous bestseller The 48 Laws of Power.