The Science of Bullshit: 5 Notes on How to Deal With Nonsense
An exploration of the science of bullshit, a peculiar research field asking all the right questions. Can you bullshit a bullshitter?
An exploration of the science of bullshit, a peculiar research field asking all the right questions. Can you bullshit a bullshitter?
A reflection on five potentially toxic leadership behaviours that may be signs of a toxic workplace. How much slack should you cut your boss?
A reflection on five ways we can reap the hidden benefits of strawmanning, a fallacy from the world of arguing and debating.
A reflection on the counterproductive habit to steal other people’s problems. How can we be helpful without becoming kleptomaniacs?
A reflection on the top 5 intuitive traps, common but hidden barriers to critical thinking. What are they and how can we overcome them?
A reflection on Yak Shaving, the process of doing a seemingly useless task that is nonetheless still connected to achieving your big goal.
A reflection on Tall Poppy Syndrome, a social phenomenon that occurs when someone’s success causes them to be envied or discredited.
A reflection on Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, a metaphor for an event that will in all likelihood definitely maybe happen.
A comprehensive guide to three underrated debate games and how to facilitate them. We love to argue. So why not become good at it?
A review of Never Split The Difference, a besteller about the fine art of negotiation by former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss.